• The value of the Italian product
Relations and solutions for internationalization



For many years we have been the largest Italian chain in the market for the distribution of consumer products, because consumer cooperatives have been able to create a network capable of combining market logic with social responsibility.
The Consumer Cooperative

It is not an enterprise like any other, it is not a joint-stock company. It is something very special, governed by principles that unite cooperatives around the world.

The basic idea of ​​cooperation arises from need and solidarity:
in this way an original entrepreneurial response is built which, from the first pioneering experiences, in more than a century and a half of history, develops up to become the first Italian distribution organization.
It is a story of people, work, sacrifices and enthusiasms, closely intertwined with the political and social events of our country. The original values ​​are still the basis of cooperation today: the centrality of people, their needs and their rights.

Coop Italia
Coop Italia S.c.a.r.l.
Food products, consumer goods
Turnover in excess of 16 billion euros
54,000 employees